1944 Beach Blvd.Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 246-4386

2023 Haunt Nights Auditions
Auditions for the 2023 Haunt Season will be held on September 2nd from 1:00pm - 3:00pm and September 3rd from 2:00pm - 4pm.
Actors and actresses work within the haunted attractions that comprise Haunt Nights. We are looking for future zombies, unnatural creatures, ghostly psychotics, plenty of clowns and more!
Interested actors and actresses must attend an open audition where they’ll get a chance to show off their scaring skills! No experience required; however, acting roles require a very high level of energy, stamina, improvisation and positive attitude. All applicants must be at least 16 years of age or older.
Positions will be filled on a first-come, first-considered basis – meaning that you have a better chance getting a role by attending an earlier audition/interview. Auditions and interviews run RAIN OR SHINE.
Get a head of the crowd by bringing your Haunts Nights Actor Application completely filled out. Applicants with special talents (stilt walking, superhuman tricks, the ability to make strange noises, magic tricks, willingness to change your appearance, etc.) should inform hiring managers of those particular talents at the audition session.
If you are interested in a make-up or costuming positioning, please additionally e-mail your information with a sample of your portfolio to Windy Leaptrott at wleaptrott@adventurelanding.com.
Positions will open up periodically throughout the season; check back for additional audition dates. No phone calls please.